Wire the gateway as illustrated. Follow all conventional standards for wiring of EIA-485 networks when
connecting the Modbus RTU EIA-485 (RS485) network. This includes use and termination of shield,
termination of the network, and grounding.
IMPORTANT: Although EIA-485 (RS485) is thought of as a 2-wire network, you MUST include a third
conductor connected to GND or common at each device so that all devices are operating at close to the
same ground potential. Proper grounding of equipment should ensure proper operation without the third
conductor; however, proper grounding often cannot be relied upon. If large common mode voltages are
present, you may even need to insert optically isolated repeaters between EIA-485 devices.
Use standard CAT5 cables for Ethernet connections. Use control wire as applicable for local electrical codes
for connecting the 24V (AC or DC) power supply.
Note that in addition to connecting power supply common to a GND terminal, you must also connect a
GND terminal to earth ground in order to ensure proper ESD protection.
A.2 Front Panel LED Indicators
Power-up LED behavior for BB2-6010: Following a server boot-up delay, all LEDs on front panel will turn on
yellow or red for half a second, then all will turn on green for half a second. Then they will proceed to
indicate as normally defined for the indicators.
Power-up LED behavior for SPX: Following a server boot-up delay, all LEDs will turn on briefly, then
proceed to indicate as normally defined for the indicators.
Power-up LED behavior for SP: The single power/status LED will light up red and remain on until server
A. Hardware Details
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