Web Browsing
The tablet uses Google Chrome as a default web browser. Chrome can open
different tabs to have mul�ple pages open. You can save pages with bookmarks
or search for any content on web pages. You can watch videos, play music, and
just about any other feature you like to enjoy. However many factors can play into
the product performance, such as network performance, how many apps are
open, how many processes are running, and load on processor. So performance
can vary. If it seems like the tablet is running slow, please check our
troubleshoo�ng sec�on on the website.
With the Kids Place you can either allow access to web surfing or block all access.
You can specify what web pages are available by address. Certain features such
as viewing videos on YouTube will be directed to install YouTube Kids app.
There are se�ngs to restrict more for younger children (8 years old or younger)
and allow more access for older children (12 and under). These features
determine the music, gaming, shows, and educa�on sites available. However
parents are always responsible for monitoring their children's ac�vity while
connected to the Internet. Tools are available for blocking or repor�ng
inappropriate ma�er, or allowing search or turning off the search feature
altogether. Please use this product responsibly!