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The Return to Home (RTH) func�on brings the drone back to the Take Off Point.
This func�on can only be achieved under GPS mode.
There are 3 types of RTH: Smart RTH/Low-ba�ery RTH/Fail connec�on RTH
Return-to-Home (RTH)
RTH Bu�on in App
①. Smart Return To Home
②. Low-Ba�ery Return-to-Home
③. Fail connec�on Return-to-Home (RTH)
Low-Ba�ery RTH is triggered when the flight ba�ery level is low. When
Low-Ba�ery RTH is ac�vated, the drone will fly back to about 100 feet away
from you, where you can control the drone. Pull the thro�le down to land the
drone in a safe area. When the ba�ery of the drone is completely empty, the
drone will return to the take off point where you set.
The drone will enter Return-to-Home Mode if the signal to the remote control
is lost. Re-sync the remote control to the drone if the drone flies back into your
view. Pull the thro�le down to land the drone at safe area.