1. Thro�le S�ck
2. Direc�on S�ck
3. 1-Click Return-To-Home
4. Power Bu�on:
ON – Click Once, White Light Comes ON
OFF – Click Once, Then Hold 2 Seconds Un�l White Light Turns Off
When there is no opera�on in 10 minutes, the remote controller will be
automa�cally powered off.
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WARNING: When you emergency stop the motors during flying, it might cause
damage to the drone and injury to the poeple underneath.
Always fly in open and clean area, the F24 drone does not have obstacle avoidance
capability when the drone returns back to assigned area.
When the Follow Me func�on is ac�vated, the drone will follow the GPS in your
smartphone wherever you go (Make sure your smartphone is connected with the
drone successfully using the Con�xo F22 App).
1. Be sure to keep the drone about 9 feet away and 90 feet high.
2. Click (running person) on the app interface.
4. Click the (running person) on the app interface again to exit the Follow Me
mode. Common Issues: Follow Me mode may not work if your phone’s GPS signal
is too weak. This could be due to signal loss from surrounding buildings and trees
or conges�on from too many mobile phones in the area.
3. Wait for Drone Status on the app to display “Follow Me Ready” in the bo�om
le� corner of the screen. The drone will then follow the phone’s GPS coordinates.
Follow Me Mode
1-Key Take Off: Press and the propellers will spin and the drone will li� to
an al�tude of about 5 feet. (Always keep the front of the drone facing forward).
Emergency Stop: Hold for 3 seconds and the drone will immediately shut off
and drop.
1-Key Landing:
Press and the drone will slowly lower to the ground and
land automa�cally. Remember to always keep your hands on the remote control
as long as the motor is s�ll spinning.)