• TSG - Contacta Test Signal Generator (TSG1)
• FSM - Contacta Field Strength Meter (IL-CONTACTA-FSM)
• Tripod or similar for mounting the FSM is recommended
‘Compliance Certificate’ document
To ensure optimal performance of a V7, V15 or V15a hearing loop
driver, set-up should be performed in following order:
Step 1: Background Noise Level
(see page 23)
Step 2: Metal Loss
(see pages 24-25)
Step 3: Output Level and Clipping
(see page 24-25)
Step 4: Field Uniformity
(see page 25-26)
Step 5: Final Output Level Adjustment
(see page 26)
Step 6: Input Signal Level Adjustment
(see page 26)
Required for Set-Up
Throughout set-up, record values on the provided Compliance
document whenever you see the following icon:
The Compliance Certificate document confirms compliance with
IEC-60118:4 if your values are within acceptable levels.
It is highly recommended that you retain a copy of the completed
Compliance Certificate document for your records and provide a copy
to the relevant facilities manager.