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These programs are set for protecting capacitors by user.

Programmable Alarm Protection

Over Voltage Protection Setup

This protects capacitors from over voltage. It has 3 parameters.

“SP-U” :

 It can be programmed between 0-500 V. Setting to “0” means

alarm is turned off.

“dELy” :

 Delay time. It can be programmed between 0-999.9 sec.

“CAP”   :

 It shows step state in alarm condition. Selecting “on” will cause

the steps to remain the same. Selecting “oF” will cause to switch off the

capacitor steps.

Over THDV Protection Setup

Device gives an alarm if THDV value exceeds entered set value. It has 3


“SP-t”  :

 THD% can be set between 0-99.9. Setting to “0” means alarm

is turned off.

“dELy” :

 Delay time. It can be programmed between 0-9999 sec.

“CAP”  :

 It shows step state in alarm condition. Selecting “on” will cause

the steps to remain the same. Selecting “oF” will cause to switch off the

capacitor steps.

Ratio Protection Setup

Device gives an alarm if the capacitive and inductive ratio exceeds the

value entered by the user in programmed time. It has 3 parameters.

“ýnd” :

 Ýnductive ratio can be set between 0-99.9 %. Setting to “0” means

alarm is turned off.

“CAP” :

 Capacitive ratio can be programmed between 0-99.9 %. Setting

to “0” means alarm is turned off.

“HoUr” :

 Programmed between 1-240 hours.

NOTE : Device shows “ýnd” and “CAP” ratios according to programmed
“xxx” hour, so user can see parameters only for last “xxx” hours.

Over Heat Protection Setup

After the temperature measured by the device increases the set value and

stays over that value for 10 seconds, device gives an alarm. It has 3


“SP-H” :

 Temperature alarm turned off down.

“SP-L” :

 Back to temperature alarm value can be set between 0-99.9 °C.

A value higher than “SP-H” can not be used.

“CAP” :

 It shows step state in alarm condition. Selecting “on” will cause

the steps to remain the same. Selecting “oF” will cause to switch off the

capacitor steps.

This function is used for “switching-on” and “switching-off” the fan output

contact according to measured temperature. There are two submenus as

“F-on” and “F-oF”.

F-on :

 This is the assignment menu for programming the switch-on

temperature value. After the temperature measured by the device increases

the set value and stays over that value for 10 seconds, contact will be

switched-on and fan LED will be on. Value can be defined between 00.0-

99.8 °C. If this value is set as 0.00, fan function will be disabled and “F-

oF” value will be set as 00.0 automatically.

F-oF :

 This is the assignment menu for programming the switch-off

temperature value. A value higher than “F-on” can not be used.

Fan Relay Settings

Monitoring the measured temperature

In order to make a correct measurement, device must be in operation at least 30 min.
In order to observe the measured environmental temperature, press UP/DOWN buttons
untill flashing C°/Alarm LED.

Related Alarm LED is on if any failure is occured for any reason. When

user wants to monitor the errors, “UP/DOWN” buttons are used until the

“E-xx” number is displayed. All the error codes are displayed respectively

by pressing the SET button. This parameter is not displayed if there is no


For example, “E-07” means over voltage condition error.

Displaying the Alarm Codes which are given by the device







Angle between phase voltages doesn’t equal to 120°
Reverse phase sequence
One or more phase voltages don’t exist
Phase 1 Current
Phase 2 Current
Phase 3 Current
THD for voltage exceeds the preset value
Voltage value of any phase exceeds the preset value
Reactive capacitive ratio exceeds the preset value
Reactive inductive ratio exceeds the preset value
Temperature of the capacitors exceeds the preset value
Automatic connection could not be found
Over compensation
Insufficient compensation
Phase sequence is not correct
Capacitor power for phase 1 is not appropriate
Capacitor power for phase 2 is not appropriate
Capacitor power for phase 3 is not appropriate
Capacitor step 1 is defected
Capacitor step 2 is defected
Capacitor step 3 is defected
Capacitor step 4 is defected
Capacitor step 5 is defected
Capacitor step 6 is defected
Capacitor step 7 is defected
Capacitor step 8 is defected
Capacitor step 9 is defected
Capacitor step 10 is defected
Capacitor step 11 is defected
Capacitor step 12 is defected

Neutral and Voltage terminal connections may be wrong
Voltage terminal connections may be in counter clockwise direction
Voltage terminal connections may be wrong
Current transformer connections for phase 1 may be wrong or fist capacitor step may be defected
Current transformer connections for phase 2 may be wrong or first capacitor step may be defected
Current transformer connections for phase 3 may be wrong or first capacitor step may be defected
Excessive harmonic may be exist in the system
Voltage value of the system may be increased
Compensation Error
Compensation Error
Over Temperature
Defected capacitor step or variable loads
Target Cos


 is capacitive even if all capacitor steps are switched off

Capacitor powers are not sufficient for target Cos


3-phase capacitor powers were not selected properly
Capacitor powers for phase 1 were not selected properly
Capacitor powers for phase 2 were not selected properly
Capacitor powers for phase 3 were not selected properly
In the capacitor step measurement, 3-phase capacitor step is unbalanced or the fuse of any phase is blown
In the capacitor step measurement, 3-phase capacitor step is unbalanced or the fuse of any phase is blown
In the capacitor step measurement, 3-phase capacitor step is unbalanced or the fuse of any phase is blown
In the capacitor step measurement, 3-phase capacitor step is unbalanced or the fuse of any phase is blown
In the capacitor step measurement, 3-phase capacitor step is unbalanced or the fuse of any phase is blown
In the capacitor step measurement, 3-phase capacitor step is unbalanced or the fuse of any phase is blown
In the capacitor step measurement, 3-phase capacitor step is unbalanced or the fuse of any phase is blown
In the capacitor step measurement, 3-phase capacitor step is unbalanced or the fuse of any phase is blown
In the capacitor step measurement, 3-phase capacitor step is unbalanced or the fuse of any phase is blown
In the capacitor step measurement, 3-phase capacitor step is unbalanced or the fuse of any phase is blown
In the capacitor step measurement, 3-phase capacitor step is unbalanced or the fuse of any phase is blown
In the capacitor step measurement, 3-phase capacitor step is unbalanced or the fuse of any phase is blown

