Dear Customer, thank you for purchasing this IR stand-by control. With this device
you have purchased a product which has been designed and produced in accor-
dance with the state of the art. The product meets the requirements of the current
European and National guidelines. Conformity has been established and the rele-
vant statements and documents have been deposited at the manufacturer. We
kindly request the user to follow the operating instructions, to maintain this condition
and to ensure safe operation.
In case of technical questions please contact us:
Tel. 0180/5 31 21 11,
Fax 0180/5 31 21 10
E-mail: Please use our contact form in the Internet:
www.conrad.de in the category "Contact"
Mon to Thurs 8.00am to 4.30pm Fri 8.00am to 2.00pm