Connevans Nightingale Standard Instructions And Information Download Page 3



Baby Alarm Monitor


1. Plug in the Baby’s Unit – turn the mains power on and switch Baby’s Unit

to On.

2. Connect Nightingale to Parents’ Unit and plug mains adaptor into mains

–  turn the mains power on and switch the Parents’ Unit to MUTE.

(TOMY – a few lights, NIGHTINGALE – red indicator on)
Special note:

When using your Tomy and Nightingale in the same room, you will

need to keep the Parent’s unit switched to MUTE to avoid sound feedback or ‘howl


3. Make a sustained ‘baby’ noise.

(TOMY – sustained noise will keep red lights showing longer.
NIGHTINGALE – will vibrate, for length of noise plus 5 second delay, 
red indicator light goes out while unit is vibrating.)

Any sustained vocal noise should activate the system, banging near the unit
will not work – the Nightingale is designed not to respond to short, sharp
noises such as bangs or coughs but to the more sustained sound of a baby
crying. The Nightingale will continue to vibrate until the baby stops crying or the
parent unit is turned off.  

If you have any problems with getting the system working we would suggest that you

ensure that the baby alarm is working correctly on its own without the Nightingale.

4. Success – you have a working system!
5. Finally, move the Baby’s Unit into the baby’s room.

You may wish to turn Parents’ Unit off first, otherwise when the system is
disconnected the Nightingale may start to vibrate! In normal use the Parent unit
may either be kept operating on MUTE or switched to ON with sound active.


Baby Alarm Monitor




October 2006    V4.0


October 2006    V4.0

Where to place the Nightingale

Where you put your Nightingale Vibrating Unit will depend on how sensitive a
sleeper you are. The most vibration will be felt by putting inside the pillow slip, the
next is to try it under the top sheet at the back of the pillow and if you are easily
woken you may find that placing the unit under the mattress itself is best for you.

Inside the Pillow

Under top sheet

Under the mattress

Heavy sleeper

Average sleeper

Light sleeper




Tomy Baby Alarm

The Equipment

Baby Alarm Monitor

Socket (power)

To power

Alarm clock input

To Parent’s Unit

Plug (for Parents’ Unit) - BLUE sleeve on lead

Plug into DC IN



Baby’s Unit

Power indicator (red)

Alarm clock alert (green)

On/off switch (    towards lights for ON)



Connecting and setting up the system

For initial setting up, both Baby and 
Parents’ Unit can be together in one room. 

Tomy Baby’s Unit

Set up exactly as Tomy instructions.

Tomy Parents’ Unit 
and Nightingale

The Nightingale 
fits between the 
Parents’ Unit 
and the 
mains adaptor.

TOMY plugs into NIGHTINGALE socket

Plug into DC IN

Baby’s Unit

plugs into 

mains adaptor


plugs into

Parents’ Unit
