Installing the Drive
Chapter 4
Technical Reference Manual
Page 49
The enclosure design for the drive must provide adequate provision for removing
heat generated by the drive via conduction or air flow convection cooling. The
maximum operating temperature for the drive is 55°C. A temperature sensor
mounted on the drive at the location shown below should remain at or below
55°C while the drive(s) are operated at the worst case condition.
The enclosure design should allow air flow
above and below the drive to cool both the
HDA and printed circuit board assembly.
The drive(s) should be positioned in the
path of least resistance to the flow of air
so that the flow is not routed around the
drive. Placing the drive at the source of
the shortest air flow path helps to ensure
adequate air flow and avoids pre-heating
of the air by other heat generating
Thermocouple Location