Connect One
User’s Manual
iChip Wireless LAN Environment Configuration Parameters
WLCH (Factory Default: 0)
In Infrastructure mode, the WLCH parameter
be set to 0. Other available values
(1..13) designate the preferred communication channel while in Ad-Hoc mode.
WLSI (Factory Default: Empty)
This parameter
be assigned with the System-Set-ID string (SSID), which is
identical to that configured in the Access Point(s) through which the WiFi station
needs to connect. An exception to this is the ―Any SSID‖ configuration, which is
configured by simply leaving this parameter empty (or setting to NULL string with
AT+iWLSI=‖‖). In the ―Any SSID‖ configuration, the WiFi station will connect to
any available Access Point. If more than one Access Point is active, it will choose the
one with the stronger radio signal.
WLWM (Factory Default: 0)
Configure this parameter to designate WEP security usage mode. If WEP is disabled,
the WLKI and WLK
parameter settings are irrelevant. Note that WEP settings (with
the exception of WLKI)
be identical to those configured in the Access Point
device. Possible settings are:
WLWM Setting WEP Security
Enabled, using 64 bit keys
Enabled, using 128 bit keys
Table 2: WEP Security Mode Settings
WLKI (Factory Default: 1)
If WEP is enabled, this parameter defines the key index of the WEP key to be used
when encoding outgoing WiFi packets. Since WEP includes configuration for an
array of four possible keys, WLKI can receive a value in the range [1..4]. The value of
this parameter
need not
be the same as that configured in the Access Point.
WLKn (Factory Default: All Empty)
These are four consecutive parameters (with
ranging from 1 to 4). The parameters
define an array of 4 WEP security keys, which are used to encode outgoing WiFi
packets (using the key defined by WLKI) and decode incoming packets according to
the key issued by the Access Point device. Key size is 64- or 128-bits, according to
the WLWM setting. The parameter values are used only if WEP security is enabled
(WLWM > 0). The key values
be identical to those configured in the Access
Point device.
WLPS (Factory Default: 0)
This parameter defines the chipset Power Save mode. When configured for Power
Save mode, iChip links its own internal Power-Save mode with that of the Marvell
chipset. When iChip’s Power Save mode is activated (AT+iPSE=1), and when WLPS
is greater than 0, iChip will force the chipset into Power Save mode. The value stored
in WLPS defines the maximum length of time (in milliseconds) during which the
Marvell chipset will snooze, before waking up to download any available packets that
may have been buffered for it in the Access Point. WLPS may be set in the range: