Power should be disconnected from the power supply before connecting it to
the switch. Otherwise, your screwdriver blade can inadvertently short your terminal
connections to the grounded enclosure.
1. Insert the positive and negative wires into PW+ and PW- contacts
(PW1 and PW2). You can connect a single power supply or two power
supplies depending on your requirements.
2. If both power inputs are connected, the ES8510 is powered from the
highest connected voltage.
• ES8510/ES8510-XT: 12 to
ES8510-XTE: 10 to 60VDC.
The Power 1/2 LEDs turn
red during the boot cycle
and change to green when
the ES8510 is ready.
Tighten the wire-clamp
screws to prevent the wires
from being loosened.
Wiring the Alarm Relay Output
The ES8510 provides two digital
inputs and two digital outputs
(dry relay output) on terminal
block connectors on the bottom of the unit. Fault conditions can be
configured in the web interface or Command Line Interface (CLI).
The Digital Input pin
can be pulled high or
low so that the
connected equipment
can actively drive these
pins. The web interface
allows you to read and
set the value to the
connected device.