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RAS 2000 PowerRack Windows NT Supplement
Upgrade Procedures
Upgrading the Kernel via Netbooting
The RAS 2000 comes with the correct kernel version installed. As additional fea-
tures are made available, kernel files will be posted on Computone’s FTP site in
the /pub/products/RAS 2000 directory. Use the following procedure to install a
new kernel:
Download the desired kernel version from Computone’s FTP site. Be sure to
use the BINARY transfer mode.
Place the file in your TFTP server’s directory.
Login on the RAS 2000 as root and enter the command netboot host filename
where host is the name of the IP address of the TFTP server on which the file
is stored and filename is the name of the file as it’s stored on that server.
Login as root and enter the command netboot -s host filename after the
RAS 2000 reboots. The -s option causes the downloaded kernel to be saved to
nonvolatile memory without the RAS 2000 rebooting again.
End of Procedure
Emergency Boot Loader
While the chances of a power failure during a kernel upgrade is remote, nonethe-
less, it is possible. Should this occur, the image in the flash is left in an inconsis-
tent state. The Emergency Boot Loader is designed as a method of getting a
kernel loaded into memory and executing and does not attempt to save the image
to flash. During the normal course of a power-up sequence, the boot loader per-
forms several integrity checks on the PROM. It recognizes an inconsistent state
and invokes the Emergency Boot Loader. In doing so, the status LEDs on the
RAS 2000 (labeled with a circle and rectangle) light yellow-red and stay on.