tre of the slots milled in the hatch covers, and aligned with the aileron horns. Allow for the extra
thickness of the C-ARF servo horns (supplied) that must be fixed onto the standard plastic servo
arms in the same manner as the phenolic rudders servo output arms. You may need to make the
slots in the servo hatch covers a little wider, by 1mm or so.
Tack glue the servo mounts to the hatch covers with CA, then remove the servos and reinforce
the glue joints between the servo mount and the servo cover plate with slow (min. 30 minute)
epoxy and milled fibre, with a nice glue fillet all around (see photo). These are important joints!
Centre the servos using your R/C and fit the C-ARF phenolic servo arms to the plastic output
discs using the same method as for the elevator servos. Secure with 2 2.2Ø x 10mm sheetmet-
al screws each. Fix each completed servo assembly and cover to the wing with 4 sheet-metal
screws 2.9Ø x10mm provided.
Finally make up the linkages from the M3 x 70mm threaded rods supplied, with a steel M3 cle-
vise at the servo ends, and M3 ball-link on the control surface ends, both secured with M3 nuts.
The ball links are secured to the phenolic control surface horns with M3 x 20mm bolts and m3
locknuts. Don’t forget to ‘Loctite’ the clevise and lock-nut on one end of each linkage, and fit short
lengths of tube to prevent clevises from opening accidentally.
Cabane Struts
Bolt the stainless steel cabane struts into place on the fuselage with the M4 x 20 Allen bolts
supplied into the blind nuts that are installed at the factory. The s/s mounting plates at each
end must sit flush against the fuselage/wing surface, and you can bend them slightly to fit if
necessary. Note that the ‘U’ shaped plates for mounting the flying wires should be to the back
and the outside of the cabane struts. See photos P19 - P26.
Outer Struts
The outer wing struts are fully composite moulded parts with have aluminium inserts already
installed for securing them to the top and bottom wings, which fit into the moulded-in ‘pockets’ in
the top and bottom wings, and these have been installed and checked for alignment at the fac-
tory. Bolt into both wings with the M5 x 40mm allen bolts. Do not overtighten the bolts - rather
use a drop of Loctite to make sure that they cannot come loose. See photos P21 and P26.
Flying Wires
The flying wires for the Pitts S12 take, perhaps,
75% of the flying loads. Therefore, the greatest
care must be taken assembling and soldering
the flying wires. If you modify the method or
materials shown here, you do this at your own
We have provided dual flying wires, so that if
one breaks or fails you will still get your plane down safely. The joints must be silver-soldered
(NOT normal soft-solder used for electronic joints) and if you are not good at doing this, then
please get assistance from someone that is.
Composite-ARF Pitts S12