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4. Switch OFF the machines and connect the RIP to the imagesetter. The cable required is
supplied and is the same for all models of Agfa imagesetters. Ensure that the screwlocks
are fully tightened at the Agfa. Always connect or remove the cable when the
machines are switched off
5. You can use the WINDOWS NT DIAGNOSTICS application to check whether the inter-
face card is able to access the IRQ you have selected. This application can be found in
the Group ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS. Alternatively, you can choose RUN in the FILE
manual in the Program Manager and type in WINMSD. When you are in the DIAG-
NOSTICS application, click on the INTERRUPTS/PORTS button and you will be able to
check the interrupts used by all installed devices.
For example, if you are using IRQ 10 for the Agfa interface Card:
• use the scroll button on the top text box to scroll to the appropriate IRQ Vector. Check
that the Device name in the Devices field is CSLAGFA, as shown below.