will return only after the fault is removed. The relay of signal type is maintained for a long
time and must be reset manually. The above display shows that 11J and 12J are signal
outlets, and other outlets are trip outlets. The exit type can be changed manually, and the
password is 2000.
Move the cursor through "
" to:
Output configuration
Press "OK" to display:
Event selection
Event name
Outlet yyyyyyyyyyyy
First select the event number XX, the second row is the event name corresponding to each number
XX, and the third row y is the exit corresponding to the selected event. When the set bit is 1, the
relay will exit after the event. It has been set before leaving the factory and generally does not
need to be set. The setting password is 2000.
Outlet is defined as follows:
The previous row corresponds to the next row.
:1J(C4/C6) Configure outlet 1 (default: Remote Trip outlet);
:2J(C5/C6) Configure outlet 2 (default: remote closing outlet);
:3J(C7/C8) Configure outlet 3 (default: protection trip the terminal outlet);
“4”:4J(C9/C10) Configure outlet 4(Default: protection trip excitation side
:5J(C11/C12) Configure outlet 5(Default: protection trip standby side exit)
:6J(C13/C14)(Default: non electric trip the terminal outlet)
:7J(C15/C16)(Default: non electric trip excitation side outlet)
:8J(C17/C18)(Default: the non electric quantity trips the standby side exit)
:11J(C1/C3) accident signal outlet; “C”
alarm signal outlet;
Note: the factory setting of passwords for opening test, modifying exit type and
modifying opening configuration is 2000, which is different from the password for
modifying fixed value.
6.4.5 Sampling value query
the secondary value
Uab Line voltage
Ubc Line voltage
Uca Line voltage
ia1 Terminal phase A protection current
ib1 Terminal phase B protection current
ic1 Terminal phase C protection current
ia2 Neutral point phase A protection current
ib2 Neutral point phase B protection current
ic2 Neutral point phase C protection current
i0 Zero sequence current