How do I know if I have an XD- or NX- capable processor?
The System Properties window indicates whether PAE is enabled on systems installed with Windows XP
SP2 that also have an XD- or NX-capable processor.
System BIOS
Default XD support is disabled for Intel 915 2004 systems.
Default XD support is enabled for Intel 945 2005 systems.
Default NX support is enabled for AMD 2005 systems.
Default NX support is disabled for Transmeta systems.
The BIOS for Intel 915 and Intel 945 based desktop systems uses the CPUID instruction to look for the Exe-
cute Disable bit to determine if XD is supported with the installed processor. If the processor supports XD,
then the
Data Execution Prevention
option appears in the Security section of F10 Setup. The user
can enable or disable this feature.
AMD processors currently do not have an option to manually disable DEP in F10 Setup. Transmeta pro-
cessors currently do not have an option to manually enable DEP in F10 Setup.