3.12 Version-Checking Routines
The following sections describe the version-checking routines. Version checking
is supported on systems using FORM I/O tasks (see Compaq TP Desktop
Connector for ACMS Client Application Programming Guide).
3.12.1 acmsdi_check_version
TP Desktop Connector client services call this routine whenever they receive
an ENABLE request from the TP Desktop Connector gateway. The action
routine can check the version string passed from the acmsdi_get_version
routine on the submitter node and notify the desktop user of any inconsistency.
You request version checking during a sign-in (see Compaq TP Desktop
Connector for ACMS Client Application Programming Guide).
acmsdi_check_version (form_file,
Type: char *
Access: read
Mechanism: by reference
Specification of a form file or a request library from the ACMS task group
Type: char *
Access: read
Mechanism: by reference
Twenty-four bytes containing the version number or date supplied by the
acmsdi_get_version routine on the OpenVMS system.
Portable API Presentation Procedures 3–25