StorageWorks SDLT Tape Drive by Compaq Reference Guide
Operating System Device Drivers
Installing Drivers on Windows 2000
These instructions apply to the Windows Backup Utility.
1. Right-click the My Computer icon and select Manage.
2. Select Device Manager on the left panel to display all the devices on the right
panel on the Computer Management console. Make all subsequent selections from
the devices shown in the right panel.
3. If the SDLT tape drive has not yet been installed, connect the device and select
Scan for hardware changes to detect the device. At first, the device might be
displayed in the “other device” category under the ? icon. After the correct driver
is installed the device will be correctly displayed in the tape drives category.
To install the Compaq SDLT Tape Driver, select the tape drive under device manager
and do the following:
1. Right click the drive and select Properties.
2. Select the Driver tab.
3. Click Update Driver to launch the Update Device Driver Wizard.
4. When prompted, select the option to display a list of known drivers.
5. Click Have Disk and select the CD ROM drive.
6. Navigate to the
\Drivers \StandAloneTapeDrives\W2000\sdlt
7. Select the
file and click OK.
8. The wizard displays a list of the drives available in this directory.
9. Select the item that describes your drive and then click OK to install the driver.