Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX and Compaq COBOL Compatibility and Migration
B.4 Compaq COBOL and Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX Behavior Differences
B.4.3 Output Formatting
Compaq COBOL does not support VFU-CHANNEL and thus provides no direct
support for VFU and VFP (Vertical Forms Unit utilities and Vertical Forms
Control byte sequences
Compaq COBOL and Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX may use different
control byte sequences in VFC files to accomplish similar output file formatting.
VFC files
VFC formatted REPORT WRITER or LINAGE files are normally viewed by using
the TYPE command or by printing them out. If you need to mail reports through
electronic mail or to bring them up in an editor, you can accomplish this by
compiling with /NOVFC on the compile command line.
All REPORT WRITER and LINAGE files that are opened in a single .COB source
file will have the same format (either VFC or NOVFC). VFC is the default. If the
/NOVFC qualifier is present, the NOVFC condition is set for each source file. For
In this example, source files B and D will produce reports in VFC format.
(Behavior is different when the source file list items are separated by plus ( + )
signs. See Section, Format of the COBOL Command on OpenVMS Alpha.)
On Windows NT and Tru64 UNIX, the REPORT WRITER and LINAGE files
produce ASCII file output, which can be viewed or mailed electronically.
B.4.4 Compaq COBOL and Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX Statement
The following COBOL statements behave differently when used on Compaq
COBOL and Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX:
B.4.4.1 ACCEPT and DISPLAY Statements
When you use any extended feature of ACCEPT or DISPLAY within your
program, visible differences in behavior between Compaq COBOL and Compaq
COBOL for OpenVMS VAX exist in some instances. The Compaq COBOL
behavior in these instances is as follows:
When you mix ANSI ACCEPT statements and extended ACCEPT statements
in a program, the editing keys used by the extended ACCEPT statements are
also used by the ANSI ACCEPT statements. (See Table 11–3 for a complete
list of editing keys.)
B–16 Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX and Compaq COBOL Compatibility and Migration