Planning Novell High Availability Server
Listed below are some guidelines to keep in mind before installing NHAS on the ProLiant Cluster
for NetWare 4.2:
It is imperative that the volumes created in the shared storage are not mounted on both
servers. Depending on your requirements, you may want to allocate a volume to each server,
keeping in mind that NHAS will later prohibit the other server from accessing that volume
until a failover occurs.
To check the status of each server’s allocated storage device, at the command prompt issue
the following commands in the order listed:
Be sure to install the latest NetWare Support Pack, which is available from Novell, and the
Compaq Support Software for Novell NetWare (Novell SSD).
The installation of NHAS requires administrative privileges.
The servers in the cluster must reside in the same NDS tree to fully utilize the NDS
capabilities. Note that NHAS does not require that the servers in the cluster reside in the same
NDS container, but it is recommended for manageability sake.
Each server in the cluster must have an internal hard drive that is not part of the shared
subsystem. If NetWare is installed with the shared drive subsystem connected, the installer
should make sure that SYS: volumes of both clustered servers are installed on the internal,
non-shared drives. Having the SYS: volumes on the shared subsystem would be confusing
and potentially damaging.
NetWare volumes can span multiple drives, but if a volume spans more than one drive, all of
the drives that it spans must be shared, or all of them must be not shared. It is also possible to
have more than one volume on a single shared NetWare partition. Some hardware
configurations will allow volumes to be mounted on multiple servers at the same time but
once NHAS is installed this is not allowed. If a single volume is mounted on multiple servers,
at the same time, data loss will occur.
Verification of NHAS Installation
These procedures will help you validate a proper NHAS installation on both NHAS servers.
After the NHAS installation, restart your Compaq ProLiant server. NHAS should load, and
you should have the capability to switch to the HA Server screen by pressing Ctrl+Esc and
selecting the HAServer Screen from the menu
At the HA Server screen, there will be generalized information about the status of your
NHAS cluster. Make sure that the SHARED VOLUME is MOUNTED, and the SERVER is
in COSTANDBY mode on both servers. Also, verify that NETWARE LINK, DISK LINK,
and DIRECT LINK (if utilized) are all labeled CONNECTED.