K01070 | v. 22/09/2014 | Ref. quality process 002/03 | ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS
If the output is very slow, it could mean that the coffee is being ground too
fine. If the output is very fast, it could mean that the coffee is being ground too
coarse. A perfect espresso grind is found when the grind point gives an infusion of
25 ml of coffee in 25 seconds using 7 grams of ground coffee.
8.2.3. Parallel micrometrical system
Rotate the grind regulator ( ) until reaching the grind level desired.
Rotating the grind regulator clockwise will result in a courser grind; turning the
regulator counter clockwise will result in a finer grinder* (
Fig. 4
Once you reach the desired grinding point, you can fix the grinding regulation (
using the regulation break ( ) (
Fig. 5
It is recommended that the motor be running when adjusting to finer grind setting.
This helps to avoid jamming the burrs, which can occur when coffee beans are in the
grind chamber, and the grind regulator is adjusted towards fine.