EnvironmEntally HardEnEd managEd EtHErnEt SwitcH
witH (3) 10/100/1000BaSE-tX & (2) 10/100/1000BaSE-tX/FX
comBo PortS
v1.4 February 21, 2013
The ComNet
CNGE5MS is a hardened, industrial five port all gigabit managed
Ethernet switch. It has three 10/100/1000Base-TX and two Gigabit combo ports
that utilize ComNet Small Form Factor (SFP) pluggable modules for the selection of
fiber and connector type and distance. The IEEE 802.3 compliant unit is a redundant
switch offering multiple Ethernet redundancy protocols, C-Ring, ComRing, C-RSTP
and MSTP/RSTP/STP. This redundancy feature protects your applications from network
interruptions or temporary malfunctions by redirecting transmission within the
network. The CNGE5MS offers centralized and convenient management through a
windows-based utility called eConsole. Redundant DC power inputs provide non-stop
operation in case of power supply disruption. The backup power input will take over
immediately when the primary DC power input fails. The unit provides relay outputs
that can be set up to indicate events and notify in case of potential problems.