Single socket (wired) software configuration
If you connected everything as noted before, you can use all configuration
possibilities. If you did not connect some signals, the configuration utility will
allow you to setup everything, but some parts of emulation will not work, it
is up to you, if you need it and connect all the wires.
Configuration for most common stereo or 3 SID music:
If you set stereo and play one SID music, ARM2SID will automatically switch
to dual mono (same music on both audio channels) after 15 seconds of
inactivity on the 2
channel. This function does not work in 3 SID setup. If
you want dual mono, you have to switch the down-mix in config utility.
Configuration for SFX (Sound Expander compatible):
With this configuration you can play all OPL FM synth music for Sound
Expander and one SID together. You can down-mix to mono, if you do not
use stereo output on your C64. It is possible to switch to SFX only mode
(without SID). In that case all computing power is put to the FM synthesis
and SFX emulation is even better and goes to both channels.