Home Location and Dealer Info
Enter the street address where the Comm Link
is being installed. Add a “System Name”. (for
example: “Smith Residence” or “Lake House”). All
other information is optional.
Contacts are the people the network will a message
if an event occurs. All contacts must have a cell
phone number capable of receiving text messages.
As an option, a contact’s email address may also be
OmniShield App Basics
Sensors and Device Main Page
This page presents the entire list of sensors,
devices and Comm Links that are installed on your
OmniShield network. Each device can be selected
to display the unit’s info page. Each device can be
given a custom name to describe its location.
Your OmniShield App is loaded with features that will help keep
you informed as to the status of your network’s sensors. Below is
a description of the four main icons on the App’s tab bar located
at the bottom of your screen.
The person acting as the primary contact will be required to
include an email address.
A maximum of eight contacts are allowed.
Each contact will have the option to select the various types
of messages they are to receive. All contacts will receive all
emergency notifications.
If a contact responds to a system generated text message, all
other listed contacts will receive the response. For example: “Sorry
folks...I was just cooking some bacon. All is good”.
General App Note: Selecting the symbol found throughout
the App will produce an Information Box explaining the feature in
more detail.
These warning icons can appear to the right of
the sensor’s name to indicate an alarm condition.
The icon will be in color if active, gray if the alarm
condition cleared within the last three days.