Opera�on and controller instruc�ons
• Likewise, you should allow your body some rest periods. To avoid straining your
muscles too much, we recommend to not exceed a con�nuous massage of 15 Minutes
each �me and not exceed 3 �mes every day.
• This device will switch off automa�cally a�er 15-minute �mer runs out.
• Do not setup or use the massager in a bathroom or similary wet / damp areas.
• Do not use this device while driving.
1. Place the massager on the neck, as the manner shown above; buckle up the
cordlock and adjust the drawcord to fit neck size.
2. Long press the bu�on for 3 seconds to turn on the device,simultaneously turn
on the shiatsu massage func�on.
3. short press to turn on the hea�ng, the device works on shiatsu with heat.
4. Short press again to turn off all func�ons,turn off the device.
It can not work on only heat without shiatsu
5. You may choose a so�er or more intense massage by pu�ng on or removing
the sleeve.