COVER series MZ – User manual
User manual
This chapter contains detailed instructions on how to turn the power supply on and off, as well
as switching between the modes described in the previous chapters.
All control keys and the LCD panel used to switch between the modes described below are
described in detail in Chapter 5.
The acoustic signaling may appear during the following procedures.
Power connectors
The UPS can be switched on or off from the power supply by means of connectors mounted
inside the power supply and accessible after opening the front door (60-80K) or rear side of UPS
(20K,30K). The power supply's appearance is shown below, which is equipped with 4 connectors
- Power breaker, Bypass breaker, output breaker, and a Maintenance bypass breaker at the back
of the housing.
Figure 4-1 Locating power switches in the MZ 20K,30K power supply
1 - Top cover plate 2 - Control unit 3 - Power breaker 4 - Bypass breaker
5 - Output breaker 6 - Battery breaker 7 - Maintenance bypass 8 - Wiring terminals