Herrengasse 10, CH-3175 Flamatt
Tel. +41 31 744 9000, www.comet-xray.com
XRCA-3001-WA, Doc.-No. 50005554
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Setting to work
the cooling unit must be positioned in an upright and
free-standing position for sufficient air circulation
use locking brake at caster
remove top cover
connect hoses with cooling unit
remove cap of reservoir and fill the reservoir with water
about 3 cm below thread
For ambient temperatures lower than 10°C use anti-
freeze. We recommend Ethylenglycol with tap water in
a mix of 2:3
check coolant level and refill if necessary
Establish electrical connection
Note: Operate equipment only with correct coolant level, otherwise danger of
pump destruction!
switch on the equipment for some minutes for the ventilation of the circuit
replace plastic cap of reservoir by applied brass cap
mount cover
Operation on different mains voltages
The installed transformer makes operation on either
208V 50/60Hz or 230V 50/60Hz possible.