41CPE112 Addressable Fire Alarm Panel – Installation and Programming Manual
In this section you can find detailed descriptions of all operation modes of 41CPE112 addressable fire alarm panel. The
modes for reviewing of system events are accessible only from level 1 without entering access code. If no alarm, fault
or warning messages, active tests and disablements are present, then the panel is in normal operation mode and only
the current day and time is displayed. In case of alarm, fault or warning situation is occurred the panel will display
information and text messages for the events. A list of all types of event messages is presented with details in
6.1. Review of Alarm Events
The messages for alarm events are displayed with the highest priority in the system. In case of alarm in the system the
panel will show a list with active alarms at the moment, and ALARMS mode is blinking together with the number of the
first alarm message. Over the button (1) is displayed the total number of the active alarms. The LED ‘General Fire’
lights on together with the number of the zone in alarm. The panel is signaling with continuous sound signal, which can
be stopped with pressing the ‘Silence buzzer’ button. The activated sounders could be stopped after entering access
level 2 or 3 and pressing the ‘Silence sounders’ button.
The User can review also some additional information for every of the alarm events. For this, select the number of the
alarm message using up/ down arrow buttons (the number of the selected event is blinking) and press ENTER button.
On the screen is displayed information for the loop number and the address of the device sensed the alarm event. At
the bottom of the screen is displayed the day and time of occurring of the respective event. Note that the additional
information is different according the type of the alarm event. To exit the review alarm events mode, press CANCEL
6.2. Review of Fault Events
The messages for fault events are displayed with high priority. If no alarm events are present, and there are active
faults in the system, the FAULTS mode is blinking together with the number of the first fault event. The LED ‘General
Fault’ lights on. The faults messages are cleared automatically after the fault condition is restored.
The User can review also some additional information for every of the faults events. For this, select the number of the
fault message using up/ down arrow buttons (the number of the selected event is blinking) and press ENTER button.
In case, there are active alarms in the system, but you want to review the fault messages, press button (2) – FAULTS
mode. The present faults in the system are displayed with serial numbers. The reviewing is the same as described in
item 6.1. The total number of active faults is displayed at the bottom right corner of the screen. Use button (1) to go
back to ALARMS mode and reviewing the alarm messages.
To review the FAULTS at active alarms in the system:
To exit the review fault events mode, press CANCEL button.