Depending on the programming of the alarms and the outputs assigned to them, TC800 may be used as
an indicator with multi-level signaling, as a two-state or three-state ON/OFF controller, or as a multistage
controller. The operator may program his TC800 controller to perform the functions of any of these devices.
16.1. Multi-level signaling and indication
Thanks to its large number of relay outputs and variety of available alarms, TC800 may be used in systems for
signaling of various events of measured variable variation, as well as a part of discrete logic control systems (Fig. 16.1).
Fig. 16.1
16.2. Two-state ON/OFF control
Some or all TC800 channels may be used for multi-channel ON/OFF control. An ON/OFF controller
measures input value, compares it with a predefined set-point value and accordingly switches a relay on or off.
A most common example is where electric-oven temperature is measured and the heater is switched on or off.
One ON/OFF channel controller consists of: 1 input, 1 high- or low-level type alarm, and 1 electromechanical
relay. In this way, up to 8 ON/OFF controllers may be programmed into one device.
The two-state ON/OFF control has the static characteristics shown on Fig. 16.2. This is the same as the one
of the alarms of chapters 8.5.1 and 8.5.2.
Fig. 16.2
Fig. 16.3
The relay is switched on and off at exceeding / falling below the set-point value. The switching is made
not exactly at the value of SP, but a little above SP (at SP + HYST/2) at input increase and a little below SP
(at SP + HYST/2) at input decrease. This is done in order to avoid frequent relay switching.
Please note that using ON/OFF control, the controlled (measured) value never settles exactly on set point,
but cycles periodically above and below it. ON/OFF control is used when no precision is required.
The structure of one channel of the control system is shown on Fig.16.3.
To program a channel to function as an ON/OFF controller, set the parameters of one of the alarms as follows:
As the device has up to 8 inputs and programmable relay outputs, it can function as up to 8 two-state
ON/OFF controllers.