Entering a parameter (parameter value adjustment)
After reaching a parameter by moving along the tree, press
to read its value on the lower display.
If changing parameter value is possible, one or more of the digits are blinking.
Each parameter has a range of acceptable values. If an attempt to enter an unacceptable parameter value
has been made, the controller shows
, or
on the lower display. If the change
is allowed, with the pressing of
, the parameter is assigned its default value. This value may be changed and,
if acceptable, may be saved in controller memory.
Changing parameter value
Changing parameter value is possible only if the operator has the right (access) to do so! If the value or part
of it is blinking, it may be changed. If nothing is blinking on the display, no changes of the value are possible.
The decimal point of some of the parameters may be moved. This is indicated by the blinking of the dot itself.
The acceptable (allowed) values for a parameter are defined either by a minimum-to-maximum range or
a table of all acceptable values.
The blinking symbols may be changed by pressing
. When a certain set of acceptable values is
defined, the key
selects the next value and the key
– the previous value.
To select another digit for change, i.e. change the blinking digit, use
To move a blinking decimal dot to the left, press
; to move it to the right, use
The decimal point may be moved to the right of the rightmost digit. The moving of the decimal dot does not
change the digits of the value.
Direct selection of minimum, maximum, and default value
minimum value
maximum value
default value
As a result, the position of the decimal point may also change.
Canceling parameter value change
Before the new value is saved in controller memory, the change may be cancelled and the initial value of the
parameter restored. To cancel the value change, press
It is possible to restore an old parameter value even after
has been pressed (see 6.11).