C42E 540kg LSA POH Issue 3 China
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The stick is also connected to a torque tube mounted on top of the fuselage tube between the seats,
and turning on a Rose joint at each end. The rear of the torque tube carries a pair of horns from which
run control cables, one for each side. These cables are led behind and over the cockpit, via pulleys, to
a central bellcrank. From here, motion is transferred via push tubes to a bellcrank in each wing, mounted
on a wing compression strut forward of the aileron. A second tube links this bellcrank to the aileron
The geometry of the aileron control system produces some asymmetry in the deflections of the ailerons,
effectively eliminating adverse yaw.
Movement of the stick to the right results in a lifting of the right hand aileron and depression of the left,
and vice versa.
Dual rudder pedals are mounted on common torque tubes, bearing in bushes installed directly into the
fuselage tube. Control cables run from points near the top of the pedals’ arms direct to the rudder horns.
Push rods connected to arms on the font fork, permit direct steering to be made via the rudder pedals.
These push rods are curved to permit slight bending in the event of large opposing forces from two
pilots being applied to the rudder pedals. In this event, a large proportion of the load is borne by the
rudder cables themselves.
Two light springs are fitted to the rudder pedals to aid centering.
Pushing the right rudder pedal forward results in the rudder moving to the right; pushing the left pedal
forward results in the rudder moving to the left.
An electric pitch trim system is controlled from a rocker switch in the dash. Pressing the top of the
rocker switch lifts the trailing edge of the trim tab and results in a pitch down trim; pressing the bottom
depresses the trim tab and results in a pitch up trim. The switch controls a small servo motor near the
trailing edge of the fixed stabilizer. A short push rod runs from this servo motor to the trim tab horn.
Raising the trim tab in flight results in a down deflection of the trailing edge of the elevator and a nose
down pitch. A panel-mounted meter indicates trim position.
If the trim runs away to one extreme or fails in one position, no undue stick force is required to maintain
The control stick carries a brake lever with an integrated master cylinder. Hydraulic lines carry pressure
to a small disc brake on each of the main wheels. The brakes work together.
On systems fitted with the Beringer brake modification a pressure limiting device is incorporated in the
system between the brake handle and the brake callipers.