C42E 540kg LSA POH Issue 3 China
Page 19 of 36
The generic wing down approach is recommended. If you are not fully aware of crosswind techniques you
should consult an approved instructor. The following description is for guidance and not a substitute for
proper instruction.
Below 200 feet on the approach, apply rudder to align the nose of the aircraft with the centreline of the
runway simultaneously lowering the into-wind wing with aileron to maintain your track down the centreline
(preventing drift).
Smoothly allow the aircraft to settle on to the runway, the into wind wheel will contact the runway first
maintaining directional control with the rudder and progressively increase the into-wind aileron deflection
as the airspeed reduces.
Allow the nose wheel to settle on to the ground earlier than normal to transfer steering authority. Avoid
“fully holding off” before touchdown as drift angle increases and airspeed decays, the control authority
also reduces.
4.10 Short field takeoff and landing procedures
Select first stage flap. Position aircraft to make as much runway available as possible. Hold the aircraft
on the brakes as power is smoothly increased to full, release brakes at full power or as the aircraft starts
to cree p despite the brakes. Hold the elevator only slightly up.
The aircraft should accelerate quite strongly, if not then abort the takeoff. At around 40kt rotate and lift
off. Allow the aircraft to continue to accelerate to at least 48kt, best angle of climb speed, before
establishing a climb at the desired speed.
Select full flap and establish a powered approach at the 54kt recommended minium approach speed (the
yellow triangle on the ASI). Maintain this airspeed with the elevator whilst adjusting the power to control
the flight path and descent rate to position low over the end of the runway ready to close the throttle and
round out. Do not hold off excessively, rather allow the aircaft to settle at which point the brakes may be
applied to shorten the ground roll.
4.11 Soft field takeoff and landing procedures
Select flap position 2 (half flap). Try to avoid stopping before commencing the takeoff roll. Apply full power
and hold full up elevator until the nose wheel rises, then ease the elevator and balance the aircraft on the
main wheels as it accelerates until it lifts off. Set the attitude to allow the aircraft to accelerate further
whilst still in ground effect, to at least 48kt, before establishing the climb.
Select flap position 3 (full flap) and establish a powered approach at the 54kt recommended minium
approach speed (the yellow triangle on the ASI). Maintain this airspeed with the elevator whilst adjusting
the power to control the flight path and descent rate to position low over the end of the runway ready to
close the throttle and round out. Hold off as long as possible to touch down as slowly and gently as
possible. Do not use the brakes. Use the elevator to keep the nose wheel off the ground as long as
possible, or as long as steering authority is maintained. Keep full up elevator whilst taxiing, except when
taxxing in strong wind conditions.