Mains pro 1.6.1 Global Guide
3.4.3 Connection with voltage transformers
MainsPro allows connecting HV or other measurement transformers with secondary rated voltage 100V.
Provide the "Star" or "Delta" arrangement on the primary windings of the transformers and connect the
secondary 100 V to the MainsPro measurement inputs. Setpoint
is to be set to 120V. This setting
provides the guaranteed measurement accuracy for the 100V inputs with overrange to 120V * 130% = 156 VAC.
It is recommended to use “Delta” arrangement on the HV side to avoid nuisance tripping caused by phase
voltage unbalance.
3.4.4 Single-phase connection
MainsPro provides support for single-phase applications. Use the UA terminals to connect the measured
voltage to the unit and set the setpoint
to 1ph. Use the same setting of rated voltage
selection as mentioned above.