InteliLite4 AMF20 Global Guide
General procedure of non-mission DPF regeneration
This is procedure from user standpoint, and its general idea of non-mission regeneration. There might be
variations depends on specific engine manufacturer.
Regeneration start:
lamps signals DPF regeneration is needed
User action:
open GCB, prepare Gen-set for regeneration (go to manual mode, turn on LBI GCB Disable,
LBI Force Protections Override, set Overspeed Limit SP)
CU action:
turn off protections and change limit for overspeed
User action:
close interlock (if interlock is available)
Regeneration conditions achieved
User action:
activate force regeneration
Regeneration end:
lamps stop indicating, regeneration ended (engine now runs in Idle or Nominal speed)
User action:
turn of force regeneration (if its not pulse)
User action:
interlock open (if its available)
User action:
Turn off LBI GCB Disable, LBI Force Protection Override, SP Speed Override Limit
User action:
stop engine
Then user can do what he wants.
5.5.22 Alternate configuration
There are 3 sets of alternate configurations in a controller:
Configuration set 1
Configuration set 2
Configuration set 3
Nominal Frequency 1 (page 373)
Nominal Frequency 2 (page 378)
Nominal Frequency 3 (page 383)
Configuration sets can be changed via logical binary inputs
. Configuration set 1 is active when there is no input activated. In the case that the inputs
are active at the same time,
configuration set 3 is taken in account.