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If the project does not have this base system then proceed to step 9.
Figure 8.1
Locate the toe kick strips and align them under the lockers in the positions
they belong. Refer to the shop drawings for their locations.
It will be necessary to cut the ends of the toe kick plates where the parts
end at a wall or corner. Use the miter saw with a carbide tip blade to trim
them to length.
Measure the distance from the floor to the bottom of the locker at the
beginning and end of where the toe kick will be installed. Trim the toe kick
to allow a minimal amount of clearance for the toe kick to fit under the
Insert the toe kick under the locker run in the proper position against the
locker legs. Using a 1/8” drill bit drill a hole into the toe kick strip using the
predrilled hole in the bottom of the locker as a pilot hole. (Fig. 8.1)
Insert a FA-930 screw into the toe kick from inside the locker and tighten.
Follow this procedure for each locker.
For toe kick mounting to the side of a locker use the provided toe kick
Mark the center locations of the legs on the back side of the toe kick
Locate the toe kick clip mounting plates and mark the two hole locations
on the back of the toe kick. Drill a 1/8” diameter hole into the plate 3/8”
deep. The use of masking tape on the drill bit or a block is helpful to avoid
drilling through the toe kick plate. Install the #6 x 3/8” screws through the
mounting plate and into the toe kick plate.
Slide the toe kick clip under the tabs on the mounting plate. These are
adjustable for the proper alignment with the legs.
8.10 Install the toe kick plate on the legs of the locker by pressing or tapping
with a rubber mallet on the face of the toe kick plate and snapping the clip
onto the legs. (Fig. 8.2)
8. Toe Kick Installation