10. Maintenance
Environmental Maintenance
Room temperature should be maintained in 18-28 Degree Celsius range with humidity 35-
Closed dirt-free room exclusive for Printer
Proper cool with white lightings
Print Head Maintenance
Print Head is an important and delicate part of the printer. Thus, it must be handled with care to
ensure the long life of the Print Heads. For Print Head maintenance, the following instructions should
be taken care:
Perform the nozzle test daily 2-3 times before printing to monitor the blockage in the head
Avoid head damage due to media and Print Head confliction
Color Bar should be ON
Avoid ink spilling on the Print Head and head cables
Don’t use expiry ink and store the ink at
favourable environment
Clean heads using head cleaning techniques viz. head wiping, purging, and spraying
Head Plate Maintenance
Check the Waste Tray regularly and it must be cleaned before start working on the machine
Waste Bottle Maintenance
Check the Waste Bottle regularly and empty it, if full
Print Bed Maintenance
Clean dust particles and ink stains, if any
Ink Filter Maintenance
Replace the Ink Filter after six months