Collomix GmbH
Forced-action mixer
85080 Gaimersheim / Germany
Collomatic XM 39017
Rev. US02-2013
Page 8
2. De昀椀ni琀椀ons of technical terms
Forced-action mixer:
a mixing unit with two or more rotating mixing tools, creating a counter-current material
flow. Both tools and a rim scraper rotate simultan around the container center.
Direction of rotation (only 3-phase units)
describes the direction in which the motor and the mixing tools rotate.
Limit switch
an electric switch closed or opened by a moveable part.
Explosive atmosphere
is decribed by the amount of inflameable particles in the ambient room air, which will
cause an explosion through heat, or sparks.
special marked a Ground Fault Circuit Interruptor, which interrupts the current.
Extension cord marked “SJNW”
a special type of rubber extension cord rated for outdoor use
Rim scraper
a rotating metal plate following the inside contour of the container thereby moving the
material toward the mixing tools.
Electrical receptacle
point of power supply
Threaded spindle
connection for mixing tools
revolutions per minute
flow characteristic of liquids;
low viscosity
= thin liquids
high viscosity
= thick or ropy liquids
Electrical supply
power cord