Forced-action mixer
Collomix GmbH
Collomatic XM
Gaimersheim / Germany
Page 17
Rev. US02-2013 39017
11.4 Se琀�ng the 琀椀mer switch
The 琀椀mer switch is situated on the front panel of the machine.
The mixing tools run for 90 seconds before switching o昀昀 automa琀椀cally
The mixing tools run for 180 seconds before switching o昀昀 automa琀椀cally
For switching on/o昀昀 by hand; no automa琀椀c func琀椀on
Whenever you mix any previously unfamiliar materials, determine the 琀椀me required for
mixing when you mix them for the 昀椀rst 琀椀me. By se琀�ng the correct mixing 琀椀me you will
achieve evenly and thoroughly mixed material every 琀椀me.