Preparing and launching the aFARM Set aquarium kit
Thoroughly wash the inside of the aquarium using
common water and a washcloth (without using
detergents!) In order to remove traces of dirt.
The aquarium should be installed on flat surface, capable
of supporting the weight of the aquarium with water, soil
and equipment. The best option is special stands
(cabinets) for the aquarium, which guarantee a uniform
load distribution on the bottom of the aquarium. But even
in the case of using the stand, you need to take into account
that the surface, which seems flat, has microroughnesses
that are stress concentrators and can lead to the formation
of cracks in the bottom of the aquarium. To prevent this,
before installation, thoroughly wipe the bottom of the
aquarium from the outside, use a polyurethane paddet
mat (supplied)
In case of violation of the rules for installing
the aquarium, the manufacturer is not responsible for
possible damage.
quarium Care
Remove dirt from the outside of the aquarium with paper
towels or microfiber. Since the back edge of the aquarium
is painted black - it can be quite easily damaged (do not use
a scraper, blade, sponge with an abrasive layer to clean the
painted surface)
2. Ground and scenery
(purchased separately)
Pour the thoroughly washed soil into the bottom of the
aquarium; the recommended soil volume is approximately
3 liters. Place thoroughly washed decorations inside the
Soil and scenery are not part of the kit and must
be purchased separately
3. Plant grow container.
Rinse the plant grow container under tap water.
nstall the plant grow container on the back of the
aquarium, as shown in figure
Install the LED lamp inside the p plant grow container. The
wire of the lamp should be led to the back wall of the
aquarium. Insert the plug of the power supply into the
power connector of the lamp. Connect the lamp power
supply to the main electric network.
ED lamp care
he LED lamp does not require special care. If necessary,
lean the lamp housing with a soft cloth or sponge.
5. Decorative soil
(for plant grow container)
our the thoroughly washed decorative soil (purchased
separately) into the plant grow container, distributing it
evenly in the plant grow container.
. Internal Filter
he aFARM Set aquarium kit is equipped with a powerful
filter that provides effective mechanical and chemical
filtration of water. The lower filter container has a sponge
for mechanical cleaning and activated filter carbon for
chemical water treatment. Disconnect the bottom of the
filter, rinse thoroughly under running tap water, removing
any remaining contaminants and coal dust, until the water
no longer stains.
Install the filter in the appropriate
section of the pan holder.
The power cable for the filter
should be routed to the back of the aquarium.
Filter care
he filter requires periodic cleaning at least once every 2
Watch the flow of water from the filter, if it is
weakened - this is a signal that it is time to wash the filter.
The filter sponge must be washed regularly. If this is not
done, then the strength of the water flow drops
significantly and the quality of filtration decreases.
To do this, disconnect the bottom plastic part of the filter,
remove the filter sponge and rinse it in the part of the
aquarium water. Until it becomes less clean. Activated
carbon should be used in the first stages of launching the
aquarium, while the water contains chemical impurities -
in the future it must be replaced with an additional filter
sponge or balls made of porous material. The sponge in
the filter needs to be changed only if it has lost its filtering
ability or has begun to lose the form (not earlier than once
every six months). In the internal filter, sponge consist of
several parts and only one can be changed at a time.
Remember that the surface of the sponge is populated
with useful bacteria responsible for the decomposition of
harmful substances in the aquarium, if only part of the
sponge is replaced, then bacteria from the old surfaces
will quickly populate new ones and there will be no
imbalance. Taking a break of a couple of weeks, you can
completely replace the old sponges with new ones and not
damage the aquarium environment.
he internal aquarium filter contains an impeller - a
cylindrical magnet with an impeller, which serves to
create water flow, and is mounted on a metal or ceramic
pin. Over time, algae, bacteria and
other debris accumulate on the
impeller and impede its operation.
Contamination significantly reduces
the life of the impeller and is the
most common cause of filter breakdowns.
leaning the impeller is very simple - in
the lower plastic part of the filter, remove
the protective plastic cover, pull out the
impeller by removing it from the pin, and rinse it
thoroughly under running water.
Create your own schedule for filter maintenance in the
aquarium and monitor its performance.
. Self-adhesive plastic wire holders
emove the protective paper layer on the bottom of the
holder, activating the adhesive layer. Glue the holders on
the back of the aquarium. Fix the power wires of the filter
and the lamp in the holders
. Aquaruim launch
ill the aquarium with previously prepared water to a level
of 2-3 cm from the edge of the front glass of the aquarium.
The water level should be 1-2 cm below the bottom of plant
grow container. Connect the power supply of the lamp and
the power plug of the filter to the electric grid. After a day,
put the fishes in the aquarium.
ou can plant seeds or seedlings of plants already on the
3rd day of using the aFARM.
o do this, stop the filter by removing the filter plug from
the mains, wait for the remaining water to drain from the
plant grow container into the aquarium. Place the seeds or
seedlings in the decorative soil, then turn on the filter
anufacturer Warranties
quarium warranties
he warranty covers joints of the aquarium
he manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the
aquariums with the requirements of this standard subject
to the conditions of transportation, storage and operation.
arranty period is 2 (two) years from the date of sale
through a retail network.
he warranty does not cover glass damage: chips, impacts
or other mechanical damage.
LED lamp and filter Warranties
he manufacturer provides a warranty of 24 months from
the date of sale.
he warranty covers damage caused by the manufacturer,
i.e. defects in materials and so on. The warranty does not
cover damage caused by improper use of the lamp / filter,
or its use for other purposes.
ttention! Any attempt to make structural changes,
utside of its normal use or care, will void the warranty.
n case of malfunction of the devices, it is necessary
ontact technical support.
Plant grow
soil - pebbles
. 3
. 1
Rear wall of the aquarium
Plant grow container
Technical support service:
: 0800 300-137
To activate the warranty,
register at www.aqualighter.com.
Scan a QR code* using your mobile phone to immediately
go to the registration form.
After registration is confirmed, your warranty is activated
ou get
access to a 24-hour technical
support service.
Repeated quick entry to the
site can be performed by re-scanning the QR code.
In case of detection of incorrect operation of the device, it
is necessary to contact technical support. These warranty
conditions do not exclude, limit or suspend the buyer's
rights guaranteed by the current legislation of the country
in which the sale was made
Direct warranty from the manufacturer eliminates the
need to contact the point of sale in the event of a warranty
case. You do not need to store the warranty card, receipt or
packaging of the product. To return, replace or obtain
qualified advice on the product, simply fill out a simple
form on the website of the manufacturer.
In case improper functioning of the device is detected
please contact technical support. The present warranty
conditions do not exclude, limit or cease the rights of the
buyer granted by the applicable legislation of the country
where the sale was made.
* The QR code of access to the site is in this manual, as well
as on the case or on the product’s wire.