1 2
Power Supply:
As mentioned is Section 3.1, be certain the power source
matches the requirements listed on the data plate.
Turn the power switch to the I/ON position and turn the High Limit Thermostat to
its maximum position, clockwise. This allows the setting of the Main
Temperature without interference of the High Limit..
Set Main Temperature Controller:
This is explained in full detail in the enclosed
Watlow 982 users manual. A simplified 981 instruction sheet is included with the
manual for your convenience. Please refer to the users manual and instruction
sheet for operation and maintenance details.
Set High Limit Thermostat:
Prior to setting the High Limit Control be certain the
Main Temperature Control has reached the input set point and has remained
stable for several hours. This will insure that the High Limit is set at the proper
temperature. As mentioned in step 7.2, the High Limit should be at maximum
position. Now turn the Thermostat counterclockwise until the High Limit
Activated indicator light comes on. Next, turn the Thermostat clockwise just until
the light turns off. Then turn the Thermostat two (2) of the smallest divisions on
its scale past the point where the indicator light went out. The High Limit should
now be set approximately 10
higher than the Main Temperature Controller.
Please note that the High Limit is a safety feature only. If the unit is allowed to
operate using only the High Limit Thermostat, the temperature stability will suffer.
Power Exhaust Outlet:
The power exhaust outlet is controlled by the Main
temperature Controller. This is described in paragraphs 2 and 3 on the back
page of the 981 simplified instructions and in the Watlow 982 users Manual. The
05012-30 does not come equipped with this feature.