24 Stream 1
The user must be logged in as Admin in order to
make changes in the Stream 1 tab.
Click the Camera Setup button
• Click the Configuration button
Click the Stream 1 tab
Use The Stream 1 tab to set up the transport
mode and parameters of the video stream one.
Stream one is available in H.264 or MJPG for-
Video Format
Choose resolution for stream 1 from drop-down
menu. The Bit rate can be selected at various
levels between 256,000 and 8,000,000 bits per
second (bps). Choose 4,000,000 for optimal
bandwidth and video quality. Frame rate can be
selected from the drop-down menu.
Four supported transport modes can be used for stream one: unicast, multicast, RTP/TCP, and RTP/HTTP/
TCP. Selecting Multicast allows you to specify a multicast address to use. In all cases the packet size to use
can be specified as 550, 1400 or 8192 bytes.
Transport Mode - choose from the drop down menu:
Unicast RTP/RTSP broadcasting - for video on demand between a single sender and a single re-
ceiver - and if the system does not have multicast capabilities (see Note 1).
• Multicast broadcasting - for a large simultaneous number of viewers and for the most efficient us
age of bandwidth.
• RTP/TCP - use RTSP Interlaced method to traverse firewalls.
• RTP/HTTP/TCP - use HTTP tunneling method to traverse firewalls.
Multicast requires a special configuration of the router. It is not possible to multicast over
the Internet.
Only 8 simultaneous connections are allowed for a unicast broadcasting.
Default Multicast address -
Max Packet Size - the factory default is 1400. For 10BASE-T networks use 550, 100BASE-T use 1400, and
1000BASE-T (GigE) with jumbo frame support use 8192 bytes.
RTSP Timeout - 60 sec is a recommended number.