Acquisition Triggering
The acquisition trigger input on the reader is opto-isolated.
To trigger from an NPN (pull-down) type photo-detector or PLC output, connect Common In to +24VDC and connect In 0
to the output of the detector. When the output turns on, it pulls Common In down to 0VDC, turning the opto-coupler on.
To trigger from a PNP (pull-up) type photo-detector or PLC output, connect In 0 to the output of the detector and connect
Common In to 0VDC. When the output turns on, it pulls In 0 up to 24VDC, turning the opto-coupler on.
High Speed Output Lines
The high-speed outputs can be used as either NPN (pull-down) or PNP (pull-up) lines.
Setting Up Your DataMan 260