BC Report Utility and Real Time Clock Setup
BC Report Utility
MUST be installed on the computer
used to connect to the BC-7000
tester first.
Do not
connect the USB communication cable to the BC-7000 until this is done.
1 Remove the
BC Report Utility
CD from the protective sleeve and place disk into the PC CD drive. The
BC Report Utility
will automatically start installing. (Manual installation can be done with commands: Start\Run\ d:\setup.exe
2 Windows Application Security Warning dialog box may prompt you about installing the
BC Report Utility
. To continue
installing the
BC Report Utility
, click on the
button. The installation may take some time as Windows
all the necessary software.
3 When prompted to install the Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART bridge driver, click the
button to install all
needed drivers. (C:\Program Files\Silabs\MCU\CP210x\) Note: The CP210x drivers are on the
BC Report Utility
CD disk.
4 After the
BC Report Utility
software installation is completed, remove the
BC Report Utility
CD disk from the drive
and return to the protective sleeve. Now restart the PC .
5 The Windows
desktop should now contain the
BC Report Utility
program icon. Plug the USB cable supplied with the
BC-7000 into a working USB port on the PC with the
BC Report Utility
Connect the AC power cord to the BC-
7000 and set the power switch to the
Now plug the remaining USB cable end into the USB port located on
the right side rear of the BC-7000. If the connection is made between the PC and the BC-7000 the PC may respond with
an audio sound confirming a device has been found.
6 To run the
BC Report Utility
, place the mouse pointer on the icon and press the left mouse button. This action will
start the
BC Report Utility
program and display the program window.
7 Before updating the BC-7000 internal date and clock, check the computer date and time for proper setting and adjust
if needed. This is the date and time the BC-7000 will use. Located in the lower middle of the BC-7000 Report window is
the SET Date & Time button. To set the BC-7000 Date & Time place the mouse pointer on the Set Date & Time button and
click the left mouse button. The status bar located in the lower left corner will display a series of messages showing the
communications activity between the BC-7000 and the PC. The first message displayed is
for BC-7000
. Second
message is
Setting Date and Time.
And the final message will be
With the date and time set, the BC-7000 is now
ready to test batteries and print test result reports.
8 If any difficulties are experienced with communications between the BC-7000 and the PC, check cable connections
first and review
BC Report Utility
installation second. Lastly make sure the PC USB port drivers are installed and working.
Review your Windows
software help menu for guidelines in checking USB ports.