Figure 13: Manual Scanning
The CR2700 provides red illumination and a blue targeting bar to facilitate barcode scanning.
6.1 Handheld Scanning
Target the CR2700 reader at a barcode at a distance about 10 cm (4”) (Figure 13). If you have a CR2701
(palm unit), press either of the two buttons to read the barcode (Please note: one of the buttons may
be programmed to perform other functions. In this case, press the other button to scan). If you have
a CR2702 (handle unit), pull the trigger to read the barcode until the barcode is successfully read;
alternatively, press one of the buttons on the top of the device. Press the scan button or trigger until the
reader emits a beep, flashes green in the indicator window and vibrates, which indicates a successful
read. Depending on the size of the barcode, the user may need to vary the distance between the reader
and the barcode. In general, high density codes read better at shorter distances (close up) and large or
wide barcodes read better at larger distances (farther away).
6. CR2700 Operation