Settings Menu
A-B Repeat Mode (Loop)
LRC (Lyric)
LAN (Languages)
Se lect Lyric to set your pl ayer's lyric displ ay On or Off.
Lyric display requires a ".LRC" lyric file. Lyric files may
be fo und on the internet or can be created with a Lyric
fil e editor. Lyr ic files s hould have the same name as its
corresponding music file and be placed in the same
directory (eg, "So ngTitle1.lrc" and "So ngTitle1.mp3").
Se lect Languages to set the language that your player's
menus wi ll be displayed i n. Options are English, Spanish,
German, French and Portugues e
A-B Repeat mode allows you to define a segment of an
audio track to be played repeatedly on a loop.
During music or voice file playback, press the MODE
key briefly to set the start point of the audio segment
loop. The screen will display "A-".
Press the MODE key briefly again to set the end point
of the audio segment loop. The screen will display
This audio segment will now play repeatedly in a loop.
Press the MODE key briefly again to resume normal
Start Point "A"
End Point "B"
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