Allows user control settings to be saved in a one-button
Preset and then loaded (recalled) as desired, and
provides a one-button restore of factory default settings.
• Preset Layer Select
• Preset Enter/Save/Delete
Locks and unlocks editing of presets to prevent accidental overwrite as
• Protect (ready): This state awaits Protected and allows preset Save/
Delete button to save or delete current card settings to the selected
preset. Use this setting when writing or editing a preset.
• Protected: Toggle to this setting to lock down all presets from being
inadvertently re-saved or deleted. Use this setting when all presets
are as intended.
• Create New Preset: Field for entering user-defined name for the preset
being saved (in this example, “IRD Rcv122”).
• Save: Saves the current card settings under the preset name defined
• Preset Save/Load Controls
Table 3-1
9902-DC-4K Function Menu List — continued
Allows selecting a functional layer (or “area of concern”) that the preset is concerned with. Limiting presets to a layer or area of
concern allows for highly specific presets, and masks changing card settings in areas outside of the layer or area of concern.
Default All setting will “look” at all device settings, and save and invoke all settings when the preset is invoked (loaded).
Selecting a layer (in this example, “Out
Audio Routing”) will set the preset to
only “look at” and “touch” output audio
routing settings and save these settings
under the preset. When the preset is
invoked (loaded), only the output audio
routing layer is “touched”.
Example: Since audio routing can be
considered independent of other settings, if normal audio routing was set up with a particular input routing setting in effect, and
at a later time audio routing is desired to be saved as a preset, selecting Out Audio Routing here limits preset-invoked changes
to only the audio routing layer, “telling” the preset save/load to not concern itself with other aspects such as input routing settings.
In this manner, when the preset is invoked any unrelated settings in effect will remain untouched, with only the audio routing
changes invoked.
Protected state –
changes locked out
Ready (open) state –
changes can be applied
• Select Preset: drop-down allows a preset saved above to be
selected to be loaded or deleted (in this example, custom preset
“IRD Rcv122”).
• Load Selected Preset button allows loading (recalling) the
selected preset. When this button is pressed, the changes called
out in the preset are immediately applied.
• Update Selected Preset button allows saving any card settings
changes to the selected preset. When this button is pressed, the
changes in effect are rolled into the selected preset.
• Delete Selected Preset button deletes the currently selected
• Load Factory Defaults button allows loading (recalling) the
factory default preset. When this button is pressed, the changes
called out in the preset are immediately applied.
Note: Load Factory Defaults functions with no masking. The
Preset Layer Select controls have no effect on this control
and will reset all layers to factory default.
• Download Presets saving the preset files to a folder on the
connected computer.