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cfinder III – User Guide – 01/2017
1. General information and safety precautions
1.1. General information
Dear customer, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for purchasing cfinder III.
Please read this user manual carefully and keep it available for future reference.
cfinder III has been tested for manufacturing quality and operating functions carefully before leaving our
hands. In order to allow smooth performance, it is essential that you make yourself familiar with this user
manual and that you follow the operating instructions as described.
Any violation of these instructions could cause serious injuries and damage to the system or to other
connected devices.
cmotion can guarantee successful performance only if original cmotion components and accessories
are used.
If you have any questions, or you need to order parts, please note the component´s model and serial
number. This information can be either found on the cmotion product label or within the system‘s
“about“ menu.
For support requests, please supply the installed firmware number of all system components referring to
the component‘s “about“ menu.
Please visit http://cmotion.eu/show/support for up-to-date product information and software updates
1.2. General safety precautions
• Do not put anything near the motors while motors are moving!
• Make sure all components (cfinder III, camin, lens motors, etc.) are mounted securely!
• Remove batteries from components before transportation or storage!
• Never open the product. Repairs should be done by authorized service centers only!
• Use original cmotion replacement parts only!
• If operating in wet weather, general safety precautions for handling electrical equipment in wet
weather conditions should be taken!
• Always protect the product from moisture, cold, heat, dirt, vibration, shock or aggressive
• Do not remove any screws which are secured with screw lock!
• Do not remove any warranty seals!