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cfinder III – User Guide – 01/2017
5.3. Aligning cfinder III to the optical axis of the lens
5.3.1. Using the reflector sight
1. align the reflector sight to cfinder III (please refer to section 5.1. or 6.2.1. in this
2. activate a target mark by turning the rotary switch of the reflector sight
3. activate a center cross on your camera
4. if using a zoom lens, zoom in all the way
5. aim your camera at a far-away target
6. slightly pan/tilt cfinder III until the target mark of the reflector sight matches the
same point as the center cross on your camera
5.3.2. Using the alignment laser
1. activate the alignment laser of cfinder III
2. activate a center cross on your camera
3. if using a zoom lens, zoom in all the way
4. aim your camera at a far-away target
5. slightly pan/tilt cfinder III until the spot of the alignment laser matches the same
point as the center cross on your camera
Due to light conditions the laser spot of the alignment laser might not be visible in far distance. In
order to be independent of light conditions you can align cfinder III to the optical axis of the lens
using its sensor feedback or the sensor feedback of cdistance (if available). (please refer to section
6.2.2. in this manual)
All methods described above are aligning the measuring laser to the center of the lens. Under
certain circumstances you may want the measuring laser to be off center. If so, please align cfinder
III accordingly.
Aligning onto a far distance object improves the alignment if tracking far distance targets.
Nevertheless, aligning onto a far distance target creates a small vertical parallax between the center
cross and the actual position of the measuring laser in close distance. Although this parallax will
not have any significant effect on the measurement precision, it may cause issues when tracking a
precise object from far to close.
5.4. Using cfinder III separate from the camera
cfinder III can be used on a tripod separate from the camera. In this configuration the operator can pan
and tilt cfinder III independently from the camera to track a moving target. In order to give the operator
reference of the lasers measuring spot you should use cfinder III with the reflector sight in this
configuration only (please refer to section 5.1. or 6.2.1. in this manual).
The tripod does not need to be positioned in line with the film plane. This offset can be compensated
using the offset function within the systems menu (please refer to section 6.1.1. in this manual).
Although in this configuration the risk of vertical parallax can be eliminated by mounting cfinder III at the
same height as the camera lens, keeping cfinder III as close to the lens as possible will reduce the risk
of horizontal parallax.