Rev 1.1 | Page 1 / 31
The purpose of this document is to provide the guidelines for the users to configure the CMT2250A on the RFPDK. The part
number covered by this document is shown in the table below.
Table 1. Part Number Covered in this Document
Part Number
True single-chip, ultra low power and high performance device that consists of an OOK RF receiver, a
data decoder and 4 data output pins for various 300 to 480 MHz wireless applications. The decoder
supports 1920, 1527 and 2262 packet formats. The chip is part of the CMOSTEK NextGenRF
which includes a complete line of transmitters, receivers and transceivers.
The RFPDK (Radio Frequency Products Development Kit) is a PC application developed by CMOSTEK for the NextGenRF
product line. Differing from traditional RF chip configuration methods, which usually require complex software programming and
register-based controlling, the RFPKD revolutionarily simplifies the NextGenRF
product configurations. The user can easily
complete the product configuration by just clicking and inputting a few parameters. After that, the product can be directly used in
the RF system without performing any further configurations.
To help the user to develop their application with CMT2150A and CMT2250(1)A easily, CMOSTEK provides
CMT2150A/2250(1)A One-Way RF Link Development Kits
that enables the user to quickly evaluate the performance,
demonstrate the features and develop the application. The Development Kits includes:
USB Programmer
CMT2150A-EM (Tx module)
CMT2250A-EM (Rx on-off control module)
CMT2251A-EM (Rx PWM control module)
CMT2250A Configuration Guideline
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