DJO, LLC • 1430 Decision Street
Vista, CA 92081-8553 U .S .A .
Model Type
Operating Conditions
Temperatures: +41°F (5°C) to +10°F (40°C)
Relative Humidity: 15% to 93% non-condensing
Atmospheric Pressure: 700hPa to 1060 hPa
Altitude: Maximum of 3000m
CMF Bone Growth Stimulators must remain at
Operating Temperature one hour prior to use
Transport and Storage
Temperatures: -13°F (-25°C ) without relative
humidity control, up to 158°F (70°C)
Relative Humidity: 15% - 93% non-condensing
Atmospheric Pressure: 500 hPa to 1060 hPa
11 in x 12 in x 1 .5 in (28 cm x 31 cm x 4 cm)
2 .0 lbs (0 .9 kg)
Equipment not suitable for use in the presence of a flammable anaesthetic mixture
with air or with oxygen or nitrous oxide .
Degree of Protection Against
Ingress of Liquids
IP22 . Protected against solid foreign objects of
12 .5mm dia and greater . Protected against
vertically falling water drops when enclosure tilted
up to 15° .
Degree of Protection Against
Electric Shock
TYPE BF Applied Part
Power Supply
Battery operated, replaceable, 9 volts direct current .
Battery operated device (9V standard battery), not
to use lithium batteries .
Mode of Operation
Short time continuous operation, 30 minutes
per day .
Electromagnetic Compatibility
(EMC) Electromagnetic
Immunity (EMI)
This products is in conformity with Directive 89/336/
No effect from lint, dust, light .
This device is not intended for use in an Oxygen Rich Environment .
Degree of Protection against Electric Shock: internally powered ME equipment .
Expected Service Life is 270 days from initial use .
Expected shelf life is 2 .5 years .
No Sterilization is required .
Product Specifictions